For the beginning radio fan - designer   






examples of accounts

amateur technology

radio reception

 for houses and life

the coherent equipment


the help data


the review of the radio amateur circuits in magazines

a feedback


Kind time of day! With you - Alexander Bichenko. Thanks that have found time to glance on this site!

The translation is carried out by the program Magic Goody from the company "PromptBeforehand I bring apologies for some discrepancies of translation. The Russian-speaking version of a site is accessible on 

The given project - advanced version two previous. For your convenience all themes are divided on under a theme. I shall try to tell to you about bases of radio amateur designing. All themes will be based on concrete examples and circuits. In the majority the designs assembled on not scarce radio details will be considered. On the experience in first my projects I know, that the visitors at times complain about impossibility of purchase old germanii of transistors. I shall say at once - in the majority the Internet - shops such transistors are available, and they cost (stand) very cheaply! Such transistor is not a pity " for letting in the charge " in case of wrong inclusion (and this mistake is the very often reason not serviceability of a design collected by the beginning radio fan), besides - germanii transistors are capable to maintain short-term overloads "fatal" for silicon (and in particular - high-frequency) of transistors! And more one restriction - the silicon transistors in some circuits, considered by me, will not work simply in view of a very low pressure of a feed...

I shall bring at once electronic addresses of shops trading in radio elements and the literature:

Shop - (former Mail order) in this shop you will find more than 50000 names of radio elements and tools. The shop works only with the registered users. The details are sent or on an advance payment, or imposed payment. On the experience I know - in case of presence of the elements, reserved by you, in a warehouse - the order is sent during 1-2 weeks.

Book shop of publishing house " a Science and the Engineering " - offers a plenty of the technical literature (including - and for the radio fans). Works with the registered users either on an advance payment, or with the imposed payment. Also on the experience I know - the books are sent during 1-2 weeks from the moment of the order (at presence them in a warehouse).

What disks with the literature and programs you can reserve in me under this reference.

The Internet shops is a very convenient way of purchase of the goods, interesting you. For usage by such resources it will be very useful to get with what - or electronic purse (for example - on Yandex). 
To get  Yandex a purse it is enough to receive post account - to be registered - further to fill up the bill with any way, accessible to you, - and it is possible to make purchases!). It is not necessary to be afraid to lose the means - ALL electronic payment systems have unique protection of means of the investors! In some the Internet - shops is possible to get unique things, which you will not find in simple shops. To make purchase to you it is even not necessary to leave houses! In large cities the express delivery of the goods, bought by you is advanced...





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